Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
Leslie Allard
Youth Counsellor
AFM School Based Programs
Phone 677-6214 @ RDPC
This program addresses the alcohol, drug and gambling information and needs of students in the Manitoba secondary school system. The program provides information and treatment services for youth affected by alcohol/drug or gambling related problems. Individual counseling is available and sometimes group counseling. Using a Student Assistant Program approach, program counselors facilitate early intervention in adolescent problems and collaborate with community professionals and referring agencies to ensure that a wide intervention network meets the needs of chemically dependent and at risk adolescents. Students may be referred to the counselor by their teachers, school administration, parents or other concerned individuals. Students may also request assistance for themselves. Services are provided for those with alcohol, drug or gambling problems, as well as for students who are affected by the addiction of family members. The program facilitates drug and alcohol policy development in schools and trains teachers and guidance counselors in the identification of alcohol, drug and gambling problems.