School counsellors are available to meet with students and/or parents/guardians to provide assistance of a general or personal nature. Counselling is provided in a wide variety of areas such as:
- Academic programming comprising of course selection and support;
- Career counseling, post-secondary education and scholarship information;
- Personal/social issues that affect the student's psychological, emotional, social, physical, mental and academic well-being.
Counsellors also function in a consultative capacity to students, parents and teachers. When special services are required, counsellors can assist in referrals to outside agencies for additional support. Students can be assured that personal concerns will be discussed in a caring, confidential atmosphere. Parents/Guardians and students are invited to make an appointment by contacting our Administrative secretary at 677-6228 and/or drop in to the student services area to sign up in the designated counsellor appointment books. All appointment books are located on the administrative secretary's desk. Your student's counsellor is determined alphabetically as stated below:
- Kaysi Katchmar A-C (204) 677-6231
- Wanda DeLaRonde D-K (204) 677-6233
- Courtney Beauchemin L-Q (204) 677-6230
- Jeremy Sinclair R-Z (204) 677-6232
Student Services Clerk Christine Randell (204) 677-6228